ASTL is a specialized logistics operator that offers intermodal transport services, combining the flexibility of road transport with the efficiency of rail transport. Benefits of ASTL's Intermodal Transport Services:

  • Reduced environmental impact: Intermodal transport is an eco-sustainable transport mode that reduces CO2 emissions compared to road transport.
  • Increased safety: Goods transported by train are less subject to theft and damage than those transported by road.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Intermodal transport adapts to your shipping needs, offering you the possibility of transporting any type of goods, from bulky to fragile ones.

ASTL in the Steel Industry offers its intermodal network to the steel industry and specializes in the handling of coils, slabs, steel bars, blooms, steel billets and ferrous scrap.




Complete "Block" trains with daily and weekly departures:

  • 2 RT / day Cremona / Trieste
  • 3 RT / day Cremona / Marghera
  • 1 RT / week Cremona / Jesi  
  • 3 RT / week Cremona / Maddaloni 
  • 1 RT / week Cremona / Herne (DE)

At ASTL, we are committed to optimizing processes to ensure fast turnaround times and reliable services. We collaborate with qualified carriers to ensure the highest quality of road transport. Thanks to the flexibility and responsiveness of our team, we can create new intermodal routes in Europe in just 45 days and activate services on existing routes in just 10 days.

We constantly measure our performance through KPI to ensure continuous improvements.

For more information, please contact us